*9:24 Since the odds are overwhelming against any human being to actually believe and devote the worship to God alone (12:103, 106), it is virtually impossible to see a whole family believe. Thus, most believers have been faced with the choice: "Either me or God and His messenger." This choice is consistently stated by spouses of the believers, or their parents, their children, etc. Consistently, the believers made the right choice. This is a mandatory test for all believers (29:2).
**9:24 The Quranic, mathematical evidence points specifically at God's Messenger of the Covenant. By adding the gematrical value of "Rashad" (505), plus the value of "Khalifa" (725), plus the verse number (24), we get 505+725+24=1254=19x66.
*9:33 This statement, letter for letter, occurs here and in 61:9. If we write down the gematrical value of "Rashad" (505), followed by the value of "Khalifa" (725), followed by the sura and verse numbers where this statement occurs (9:33 & 61:9), we get 505 725 9 33 61 9, a multiple of 19. This confirms that the messenger here is Rashad Khalifa. Additionally, the number of verses from 9:33 to 61:9 (3902)+9+33+61+9+the value of "Rashad Khalifa" (1230) gives 5244, also a multiple of 19. The gematrical value of 9:33 & 61:9, calculated by adding the values of every letter, is 7858. By adding this number, plus the number of letters in the two verses (120), plus the number of verses from 9:33 to 61:9 (3902), plus the value of "Rashad Khalifa" (1230), we get 7858+120+3902+1230=13110=19x690. See Appendices 1, 2, and 26.
*9:36 The word ``month'' is mentioned in the Quran 12 times, and ``day'' 365 times.
*9:54 This is another proof that the Contact Prayers (Salat) existed before the Quran, and were handed down from Abraham (see 21:73). Also, it stumps those who challenge God's assertion that the Quran is complete and fully detailed when they ask, ``Where can we find the details of the Contact Prayers in the Quran'' (6:19, 38, 114).
*9:80 If Muhammad could not intercede on behalf of his own uncles and cousins, what makes strangers who never met him think that he will intercede on their behalf? Abraham could not intercede on behalf of his father, nor could Noah intercede on behalf of his son (11:46 & 60:4).
*9:107 Any masjid where the practices are not devoted absolutely to God ALONE belongs to Satan, not God. For example, mentioning the names of Abraham, Muhammad, and/or Ali in the Azan and/or the Salat prayers violates God's commandments in 2:136, 2:285, 3:84, & 72:18. Unfortunately, this is a common idolatrous practice throughout the corrupted Muslim world.